I knew since I hav been slacking lately I had to give my viewers something, or someone, who would smack it out of the
Today I bring to you the Amazing Richard Blackman! Who is a notorious fitness expert and long time Fruititarian, yes that is right - only fruit. Mr. Blackman, or F1 as he is also known, was kind enough to share some of his 'secrets', if you will, about his lifestyle.
The Interview w/F1:
Mocha: *Disclaimer: F1 - I know that I am not you, obviously, and your dietary regime or workout routine may not necessarily suit me, and vice -versa, but strictly out of pure curiosity, and the curiosity of others, I wish to ask you a few questions and hope I will get more in-sight on how you live and that which may apply to my lifestyle.
Also know that I have watched all of your videos and these questions I wasn't able to answer w/there help alone.
Richard Blackman(F1):Thanks for being so respectful, that means a lot to me....
As I said in my video's, people always want to know what I do and how I live/eat but my problem is that I don't spend my life analizing everything I do and I don't want to, that was cool when I first started out but now I've moved on, plus what I do depends on the seasons, climate, activities, etc, so sometimes it's next to impossible to give people the answers they want because what I say may change the week after because of a change in climate, etc....plus I don't focus on food and with all the questions regarding food it can be a huge drag, like I say, I'm not trying to be rude, I just find talking about food and what I eat EXTREMELY boring, unproductive and not what we should be focusing on, plus I role in life is not to please peoples curiosity, I got better things to do with my time.
Mocha: F1 I find myself looking at some of the amazing things you have accomplished and
Mocha: Q1) I wonder exactly what you do eat on a daily basis (I remember that you once said you drank only orange juice one day, I find that interesting for someone like you to maintain such bulk w/ orange juice - once again, I am not criticizing, but just intrigued) and that you believe in eating less to maximize absorption of the nutrients, is that correct? If so, how much is enough, for instance do you only have one meal a day to monitor your intake or do you just eat until you're full? - or perhaps you may eat more on some days then others?
F1: A1) I just eat when I need to and stop when I get the signal and as far as I'm concerned that's all the thought I need to put into it, I don't see food as a treat, it's only to replace what you use up during activity.
Mocha: Q2) I know you promote outdoor exercise; I was wondering do you ever use a gym or standard weights? If you do, how many times a day/week - do you have rest days or days when you go lighter on yourself? If so, are those days premeditated or one of those wow! I feel kind of sore today, how about I take a breather, days.
F1: A2) I train outdoors come rain or shine if I have to I can do the same indoors, with what I do I can do anything anywhere, I have no routine I train everyday because I want to, I only do bodyweight exercises and power hiking/sprints and some conditioning drills, I'm always exploring, my main aim is to have fun playing and nothing is set in stone.
Mocha: Q3) Do you have any advice to a beginning raw foodist on how to gain muscle the way you did, fruititarian or 80/10/10rv, or perhaps you can give some pointers on which workouts you included, more frequently, in you day to day efforts?
F1: A3) My advice to new raw foodists can be found in the videos, but it goes like this, going raw is like training to be a navy seal, you gotta want it bad, it's a total mind and body over haul so make sure your going raw for the right reasons and make sure your in it for the long haul, find activities you love and do them intensly, stay active and realise that you will not make significant gains in performance or growth until you are clean internaly and are ready for rebuilding, food is not the solution, you have a process to go through and there's no escaping from it.
Mocha: Q4) Since fasting plays such a huge part in the lifestyle of other Fruitarians that I have spoken with, such as Viktoras K., I was curious if you ever fast in complement to your dietary practices?
F1: A4) In the fall/winter I don't need to eat very often if at all, sometimes I will go a day without having anything, even when active, I don't do that intentionally it's just how it goes sometimes but in the the Texas summer I have to stay hydrated, I don't fast intentionally.
Mocha: Q5) Finally, is your book almost ready to be released or is there any other exciting information of yours that you would like to share?
Thank you so much for your time,
F1: A5) My book is still a work in progress and it's looking like my "F.I.T System" DVD will be finished before the book is.
To further inquire about F1's fitness programs or just general workout/Raw or Fruititarian information - A link to his website in on the blog or